
Saturday 19 April
Time Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
9:45 am

Lessons from Germany: Capitalist crisis and the rise of the far right

Chaos, genocide and imperialism: Trump’s new world disorder

Marxism 101: A system of exploitation and crisis: Understanding the logic of capitalism

11:30 am

Anti-Zionism and the radical Jewish tradition

Manosphere, Trad wives, abortion bans: Why is sexism on the rise?

Marxism 101: Trotsky, Stalin, Mao: What is the real Marxist tradition?

1:00 pm

Lunch break

2:00 pm

Imperialism and resistance in the Pacific

Rock Haocas (Kanak unionist) Veronica Koman (Indonesian West Papua advocate)
3:45 pm

Palestine: strategies for liberation

Ahmed Abadla (Palestinian activist)

CFMEU under attack: How can the unions strike back?

Uprising: War, resistance and settler colonialism

Dr Stephen Gapps
Sunday 20 April
Time Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
9:15 am


10:00 am

Neurodiversity: Disability, individuality and capitalism

Marxism 101 Marxist ecology: How do we save the planet?

11:30 am

Kanak revolt: A history of anti-colonial resistance

Rebuilding the unions: The militant minority movement

Marxism 101 A world to win: What type of organisation do we need?

1:00 pm

Lunch break

2:00 pm

Trump and the tech bros: The crisis in US politics

Clare Fester (US socialist)

From nuclear waste to nuclear weapons: Resisting radioactive capitalism

Karina Lester

Russia’s 1905 revolution: Birth of the Soviet

3:45 pm

Closing session: Crisis, resistance and revolution—Fighting for socialism

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